· Students can be in the hallway ONLY when accompanied by a parent or a teacher.
· Students will enter their classroom from the OUTSIDE DOOR.
· The students may place their backpacks on the step of their classroom until their teacher admits them into the classroom.
· Students will only be allowed into their own classroom only.
· Teachers will be on morning recess duty at 7:50 AM.
· The gymnasium will be open during morning recess on days of inclement weather.
Bell Schedule
Regular Schedule
Start Bell: 8:10 Recess: Kindergarten 9:40-9:55
Grades 1-3 10:00-10:15
Grades 4-6 10:30-10:45Lunch: Grades K-3 11:25-12:05
Grades 4-6 12:10-12:50Recess: Kindergarten: 1:40-1:55 School's Out: 3:15 -
Kindergarten (Half-Day Classes)A.M. 8:15-11:15
P.M. 12:15-3:15 -
Wednesday Short Day ScheduleFirst Bell: 8:10
Second Bell: 8:15
School's Out: 12:00
Dress Code
The personal appearance of every student is an important component of establishing a safe environment for optimal learning and respect for one another. Students are expected to dress in an appropriate manner while on school property or representing the school. The following minimum standards apply at Huntington Elementary School and will be vigorously enforced. The principal may make additions to these standards.
Dress Code for Students
Personal appearance shall be such that it does not disrupt student work or school order, become distractive to other students or violate health and safety guidelines.
1. Student dress and grooming must be neat and clean.
2. Clothing that inappropriately exposes body parts is not permitted, including; low-cut shirts, spaghetti strap tank tops, halter tops, or see-through or mesh garments worn without shirts. Shoulder straps should be at least 3 inches wide.
3. Students shall not dress in such a way that partially or totally exposes underclothing.
4. Trousers/slacks/shorts must be worn at waist level. Excessively baggy trousers and clothing are not permitted. Clothing may not drag the floor.
5. Skirts and shorts should fit and may not be worn shorter than mid-thigh. Biker and athletic shorts are not permitted.
6. Hats, sunglasses, hair curlers, skullies, or do-rags may not be worn.
7. Clothing or jewelry is not permitted that displays profanity, suggestive phrases, alcohol, tobacco, drug advertisements, or other inappropriate gestures or phrases that may cause disruption.
8. Non-human hair color is not permitted.
9. Extraneous articles hanging from clothing such as chains are not permitted.
10. Facial jewelry is permitted to be worn only on the ears.
11. No Flip Flops Allowed. Sandals that are secured to the foot will be permitted.
Discipline Policy
Huntington Elementary School has high expectations for every one of our students. The same high standards for academic skills and school behavior are expected form each one.
Successful teachers know that trusting, positive relationship between student and teacher is the foundation upon which positive behavioral skills are built. If teachers are to have any impact on students he or she must first build trust and a positive relationship with that student. The teachers and staff at Huntington Elementary have many activities in place and are always implementing new ideas to build this positive relationship with all students while teaching them how to use appropriate behavior.
Every classroom has a set of written behavior rules and consequences. There are positive consequences (reward) to encourage students who choose the appropriate behaviors and correct actions that will be done each time a student chooses inappropriate behaviors. These rules and consequences are very clear and are taught in each classroom.
Fighting | cutting class | dress code |
Profanity | rude/discourteous | toys from home |
Verbal harassment/intimidation | disruptive | tardiness |
Sexual harassment | leaving school grounds | excessive talking |
Hurting others | ||
Stealing |
The consequences for severe behavior:
1st offense=Verbal warning with discipline note and Think Sheet sent home. The note and the Think Sheet must be returned to school with a parent signature.
2nd offense=Discipline note will be mailed home. Principal Baltzer will call the student’s home, a Think Sheet must be filled out and student will be placed in in-school suspension with a work packet for two days.
3rd offense=One day out of school suspension with completion of a work packet and Think sheets required.
4th offense=Three days out of school suspension with completion of work packets and Think Sheet required.
The above 4 steps will be followed for severe behaviors but they add up only for the same offense. For example, if a student is on the third time offense for profanity and then gets in a fight – he/she will begin on step one for fighting.
*Note: When extremely severe behaviors occur, the principal will immediately escort the offending child to the office. Vandalism will result in a direct referral to the sheriff’s department…first time.
The consequences for Major and Minor behavior:
These offenses will be dealt with by classroom teachers and staff. The “Team Approach” may be used. With this approach the child will have a sit-down meeting with his parents, teacher, and principal. The teacher will present no more than three behaviors the student needs to improve – then the student will make a plan explaining how he/she will work on those things. There will be follow-up team meetings every two weeks as long as needed. It is very effective for students to see their parents and the school staff working together and supporting each other.
If a major/minor offense is repeated many times the student will be taken to the principal’s office with a note from the teacher explaining the behavior problems.
Parent Involvement Policy
Huntington Elementary is committed to providing a quality education for every child. Parent involvement is a key element in our schoolwide Title I program. All parents in our school are eligible, and invited, to participate in school activities and assist in the classroom. The goals of our parent involvement policy and activities are: increased parent participation in the program, increased parent involvement at home, and increased parental awareness of educational practices and issues. The overall end result of this effort being increased student achievement.
Annual Title I Meeting
At Huntington Elementary there will be an annual Title I meeting that will be held during our back-to-school night. This meeting will inform parents of the school’s participation in the Title I program and their right to be involved. Items to be discussed will include:
- What qualifies us as a Title I school.
- What services are included in Title I.
- The school-parent-compact and their opportunity to give input.
- The schoolwide plan and their opportunity to give input.
- Various parent involvement activities that will be held throughout the school year.
- The ways in which the school will inform them of these things and who to contact with questions, concerns, or input in any of the items previously mentioned.
Planning and Input
The parents of students who attend Huntington Elementary are involved in the process of planning and evaluating the parent involvement policy through the School-Community Council. This council will review the policy each year and give input and approval. Parents are also welcome to give input at the office, to the Title I teacher and also on the needs assessment survey that is sent home in the spring.
Huntington Elementary is a schoolwide Tile I program and as such we have developed a schoolwide plan. This plan is reviewed by the School-Community Council annually and a summary of the plan is disseminated to all parents in the back to school packet sent home at the beginning of each school year. Contact information is given on this summary if the parents wish to review the entire document or give input.
Parent Activities
Parent activities will be held at a variety of times of day or with extended duration to help accommodate the needs of parents at our school.
Huntington Elementary will provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their children’s achievement. The school will hold a “Make and Take” game night annually alternating between reading and math activities. During this activity parents will receive materials for the games, training on how these activities work and how they connect to the state’s academic standards.
Parents have the opportunity to be trained in and receive a manual for the STAR Parent reading program to help their children with reading at home.
Emery County School District has made available to our ELL parents an English Language Learner Family Literacy Center Project. This center will serve several purposes including:
· Serving as a resource to students, teachers, and parents in promoting literacy development and ELL student success.
· Assist in interpreting UALPA scores.
· Provide language development assistance.
· Provide homework and tutoring assistance where possible.
· Assist parents of Hispanic students, in Spanish as far as practicable, understand the educational process, curriculum content, school procedures and activities, and how they can help their children with their homework.
· Provide communication documents and notices in Spanish for parents of Hispanic Students.
We will also work with other organizations, including Emery County Sheriff, and the Emery County Local Interagency Council, within the community to provide various parenting workshops. By forming a partnership with parents, the community and these organizations we will be able to improve student academic achievement.
Parent Meetings
Huntington Elementary will provide parents of participating children with timely information about the Title I program. Parents will be provided updates about their child’s progress within the Title I program several times throughout the year. Some of the methods used to inform parents will include: parent teacher conferences, progress reports, notes sent home and by parent or teacher request.
The school will provide, if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible.
At Huntington Elementary we will provide assistance in understanding the state’s academic standards and local assessments through; back-to-school night, notes sent home, reviewing individual student scores, at parent teacher conferences and at parent request.
School-Parent Compact
Huntington Elementary has a school-parent compact that will be jointly reviewed annually by parents and staff. This compact outlines how parents, the school staff and students share in the responsibility for improved student achievement. Parents have the opportunity to be involved in updating this compact each year through involvement on the School-Community Council or by contacting the office or Title I teacher and giving their input.
** For more information or to give input please contact the office or Jennifer Mortensen in the Title I room.**