1. Free/Reduced Eligibility Guidelines
2. Free/Reduced Application Instructions
3. Food Service Program Information
3. Food Service Special Diets form
4. Food Service Charges, Unpaid Meals
5. Food Service Wellness Policies
6. Chip (Utah's Children Health Insurance Program)
7. School Entry Immunization Requirements
8. Vision Screening Opt Out Form
9. Food Service FAQs
1. School Handbook
2. Student and Visitor Acceptable Use Agreement
3. Bring Your Own Technology Policy
4. Electronic Device Use by Students or Visitors Policy
5. Web Page and Social Media Policy
6. Internet Safety
7. Technology Security
8. Use of Technology in Instruction
9. Password Policy
10. Annual FERPA
11. Student Data Collection
12. Transportation Safety Rules
13. Compulsory Attendance Law
14. Concussion / Head Injury Policy
15. Protection of Pupil Rights
16. District Attendance Policy
17. Comprehensive School Counseling and Guidance Program
18. Title I Student Parent Teacher Involvement Compact and
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
19. ***Signature Sheet ( Must be returned to the school) **
Huntington Elementary
70 East 100 North
PO Box 190
Huntington, UT 84528
Phone: (435) 687-9954
In Emery School District, all programs and services are open to all persons regardless of their race, color, national origin, sex, age, and disabilities.
© 2024 Emery County School District